Useful Links
- – This website allows SLP’s and parents to use resources for free submitted by other SLP’s. Click on the “materials exchange” for free therapy materials and ideas.
- – Jennie Bjorem is a SLP with advanced training and expertise in childhood apraxia of speech. Great resources and helpful blogs.
- – This website is a useful resource for families of children with a speech and/or language delay.
- – This is a useful resource for families who have an autism diagnosis in their family.
- – Another useful site for families with a loved one with a diagnosis of autism. Get latest therapy technique ideas, ABA therapy information, biomedical information,GFCF diet information, etc.
-– Laura Mize, SLP has lots of great ideas and podcasts on her site.
- – This site is a useful resource for more information on physical therapy.
- – This is a useful site to find out more information on occupational therapy
- – This site gives information on children with sensory processing difficulties from one of the leading sensory integration experts in the field.
-— This is a quick useful link to learn more about your rights for your child receiving public education services.
- This is a summary of key elements of the Privacy Rule including who is ……/index.html— A useful site to know your Rights to Privacy.